
Adam Howard

President and CEO, Height of Land Publications

(Umbrella Organization for Alpinist, Backcountry, and Cross Country Skier)

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Marinel De Jesus

Founder & CEO, Peak Explorations, LLC 
Founder & CEO, Brown Gal Trekker



The Basics

Company Name: Height of Land Publications LTD
Location: Jeffersonville, VT
Founded: 2002
Full-Time Employees: 18
Products: Backcountry, Alpinist, Cross Country Skier and Mountain Flyer Magazines
Social: Alpinist Backcountry Cross Country Skier Mountain Flyer
Claim to Fame: We published a lost photo of Clint Eastwood on the cover of Alpinist in 2012. 



The Culture

Demographics (Optional): 9 Female, 9 Male, 95% White, 5% Latinx
The best thing about working at Height of Land is: The research part. The working from home part. 
When we’re not working, we’re: In the Mountains
What we’re reading: The competition
What we’re listening to: Outdoor podcasts so we can make ours even better
If they made a movie about our workplace, it would be called: Blood from Stone
Inclusion in the outdoors matters because:  In order for us to protect the outdoors, we must better reflect society at large. But, mostly because it’s fun. 

Five years down the line, it’s our hope that: Reading will still be a thing. 


The One-Year Goals

(What’s the company culture we wish to create?)

  • To be added later!